Pomeroy: one “cookie-cutter approach” to health care is just fine for North Dakota, another is not

I got a copy of this email sent out by Congressman Pomeroy’s office this morning (no, I’m not on the mailing list) to someone I know, detailing a problem he has with Medicare funding and its impact on rural medicine. Apparently a new requirement of having routine therapeutic services performed by a nurse or other professional will only be reimbursed if “a doctor or mid-level practitioner is physically present,” instead of within 30 minutes of the hospital. Obviously this is not good for the practice of rural medicine in many cases.

Congressman Pomeroy makes a good point. I won’t disagree with him on that. There is, however, an even stronger point brought up by this last paragraph in his email:

I have been in touch with CMS and the Administration to make clear that this new rule is not acceptable, and I’m going to keep pushing them to resolve this issue. This policy might be just fine for hospitals in New York City and other urban centers, but here in North Dakota, this cookie-cutter approach is exactly the wrong way to go about it.

I think many North Dakotans would agree with you, Congressman. Why is it, then, if something so relatively small as a reimbursement requirement for therapeutic services is so unacceptable and worthy of a fight, do you want to support your party’s unwanted, unconstitutional “cookie-cutter” approach to nationalizing health care entirely?

Congressman Pomeroy has been dutifully following his political party’s lead and voting at Nancy Pelosi’s behest to force a “cookie-cutter approach” to the federal government’s takeover of the nation’s health care system. Doing so would force North Dakota to abide by the same bureaucratic nightmare as “New York City and other urban centers,” and that’s justifiable to Congressman Pomeroy? Does he actually think rural North Dakota would have any influence in such a system or how it’s designed?

But now he’s going to act all indignant and promise to fight because of a reimbursement criteria that does the same? This relatively insignificant issue will become irrelevant if he keeps voting for the federal government’s takeover of the entire healthcare system!

This is just one more example of the fact that, for liberal Democrats, “health care reform” is not about health care, health care funding, health insurance, or health coverage. It is about power. It is about pushing this country so far into European style socialism, even at the expense of a number of political careers, that it will be impossible to bring it back. For them, the health care system is simply a tool, the blunt instrument by which they will bludgeon this country into irreversible mediocrity and bureaucratically induced suffering. How do you think that affects North Dakotans, Congressman Pomeroy?

Pusillanimity and Partisanship in the Fight for our Nation

(This is an article I wrote for the January 2010 issue of the Dakota Beacon.)

pu·sil·lan’i·mous: adj. contemptibly timid.

par’ti·san: adj. disagreeing with Democrats.

Liberals are wordsmiths. They have to be; they have no ideas of worth, a predicament demonstrated by their inability to come out and simply say what they want to achieve and why. The very term “liberal” itself characterizes their craft, in that it used to have a good connotation until it came to mean them. With that the case, they shriek and recoil with revulsion when described as “liberals” and instead cling to the term “progressive.” Of course, once that term gets connected with them and their ideology, they’ll have to jettison it in favor of another trendy label. They will probably always have one label for their enemies, however: “partisan.”

The term “partisan” has had its own negative connotation as well, often meaning someone who reflexively or instinctively clings tenaciously to one side of a disagreement. Perhaps that was a bad thing in the distant past, but these days the policies of the left must be reflexively and instinctively opposed. If we’d had some ferocious partisanship opposing the New Deal, the Great Society, or other such failed entitlement programs before they were enacted, we might not find our nation up to its eyeballs in debt!

When liberals are faced with a debate of ideas, they immediately change the game to one of name calling. It makes sense when you take into account that they’re really in the branding business. That’s why we have a litany of legislation with titles totally opposite of the substance of their text. That’s also why they label their advocacy groups with such innocuous name as Centers for the Public Good. Since ideas, at least ones that survive in the realm of sanity, aren’t their strong point, they instead resort to bludgeoning their opponents with insults. Their favorite, of course, is “partisan.”

I’m happy to be labeled a “partisan” if it means I oppose liberal Democrats at every turn. For politicians on the right, however, it seems to be the worst sort of punishment one could be asked to bear. For decades Republicans have cowered in fear of being branded as “partisans” by the liberal Democrats and their advocates in the media. Having bought into the lie that “moderates” will turn in distaste from anyone perceived as a partisan, these Republicans shrink from the term as a vampire would from a brandished crucifix. It’s no wonder we conservatives decry the absence of leadership on our side. Nobody seems ready to stand up to – gasp – the labels wielded by the liberal Democrats!

For those of us who simply want to work our jobs, live our lives, practice our faith, raise our children, and have the government impede us as little as possible, only one term can suitably describe these sissified Republicans: pusillanimous. Their contemptible timidity saddens those of us who count on them to champion our cause, stand up for our Nation and its founding principles, and stand guard against further bureaucratic government into our lives. Rather than fighting on our behalf, they’re dithering and dodging in the hopes that everyone in the establishment will like them. That is not a sign of character, and it’s certainly not leadership.

Show me a candidate for local, state, or national office who has the guts to come out and say, “I oppose abortion and will be a fierce partisan in my stand against the murder of innocent children in the womb” and I’ll be chomping at the bit to give that man or woman my vote. The same goes for issues such as national security, tax reform, border security and immigration enforcement, or the myriad rights which the leftists are trying to strip from my fellow citizens and me in total defiance of the Constitution. I want a partisan.

The leftists have their fierce partisan fighters…where are ours? We seem to be the only side with defectors in this war for the future of our nation, culture and heritage! For instance, I was sickened by Sen. McCain’s promises to “reach across the aisle” to work with Democrats. He’s a remarkable man, but he’s obviously been in government too long if he can’t see the fact that some things need to be wholly opposed because they’re wrong. Period.

Hypothetical: Let’s say the North American Man/Boy Love Association decides they want to codify into law their right to prey on young children (don’t think they don’t dream of that day). Naturally the decadent left, with President Obama at the helm, champions this “bold new initiative to bring about relationship change for adults and children all across this great nation.” Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy ride the party line as usual, parroting talking points about how all North Dakotans want such legislation and it’s good for North Dakotans while whining about “out of state money” financing any campaign to oppose them. First off, they’d never name it the “Legalizing Child Rape Act of 2010.” No, it’d be something like the “Fairness in Relationships Act” or something obfuscating like that, like so many dishonestly named bills in recent years.

The point I’m trying to make with such a drastic example is: just exactly how do you “reach across the aisle” and work with something like that? Do you “compromise” by “only” lowering the age at which a predator can sodomize a child? Do you “only” lessen the penalties for someone convicted of such an offense? No. The correct answer is that you do not cross the aisle to work with the Democrats on the issue, because they’re WRONG. Yes, it is that simple. It is just as simple when it comes to government taking over the health care system, labeling carbon dioxide a harmful pollutant, or considering treaties that turn our nation’s sovereignty over to a bogus international climate regulatory organization as well.

When the Democrats seek to grant citizenship to millions of criminals who are in our country illegally, you don’t cross that aisle. When they want to cripple our nation’s energy supply to placate rabid environmentalists, you don’t cross that aisle. When they want to destroy our economy in the name of falsified “climate change” pseudo-science, you don’t cross that aisle. Sure, it will cut down on the number of invites you receive from Meet the Press, but standing your ground is the right thing to do. I say again:I want a partisan.

We partisans are finally influencing things in Washington, however. When even the most liberal of Republicans won’t vote for cloture on the health care takeover by the Democrats, that’s an indication. Call it self preservation on their part if you wish, but the fact remains that they’re taking notice of how their constituents feel on this matter. It’s too late in that we lack the numbers to stop such legislation outright, but the indignance of the Democrats at the Republican rejection of this bill shows that they’re nervous about owning it one hundred percent. What we need now, and what conservatives have been craving for some time now, is some leadership. If we’d had an articulate conservative leader in the last election, Obama would still be in Chicago with his thug pals.

Sorry, Senator McCain, the last election proved that Americans couldn’t be less interested in an aisle crosser. Step by step we’ve watched as you establishment Republicans let the government chip away at our freedom as it grows larger and more unwieldy. Bit by bit the radical left has won victories in driving Christian faith from public view, hamstringing our military, and bludgeoning citizens with the multiculturalist and politically correct movements. It’s time for you Republicans to start acting on our behalf or get out of office and make way for someone who will. We desire to see someone who’s got the nerve to roll up their sleeves and oppose all this lunacy. Your days of being contemptibly timid and remaining in office are over. We’ve had enough pusillanimity; now show us some partisanship…or we’ll find someone who will.

This week’s episode of “Follow the Dorgan & Pomeroy Money Trail” – Connect the Dots edition

Here are a few interesting bits of news for you to piece together and see if a big picture reveals itself.

According to this KX News article, Earl Pomeroy is once again being considered for a cushy job for a life insurance lobbying group. He was in the running several years ago as well, presumably with contacts he made while ND Insurance Commissioner. It’s called ACLI, for American Council of Life Insurers.

This insurance industry publication article talks about the loss of Democrats in the Senate. It points out that “Sen. Dorgan’s wife, Kim Dorgan, is senior executive vice president for public policy at the American Council of Life Insurers, its top lobbying position.” I find it remarkably convenient that the wife of one of these “Senate allies” holds a cushy lobbying position with the group. Something smell fishy here? I thought so, too.

According to opensecrets.org, The number one contributor to Earl Pomeroy’s election campaigns is a life insurance company. In fact, there are several insurance companies kicking in big dollars to Earl, along with labor unions, of course. In fact, there isn’t a single North Dakota entity listed in his list of top contributors! Let’s not forget, he gets ninety percent of his money from out of state donors!

Back to Kim Dorgan for a second. Her husband is a United States Senator. She holds the “top lobbying position” for a big lobbying firm…yet we’re supposed to believe that she lives here?

Once this news broke, this article was released, claiming that Pomeroy is not interested in the job. That may or may not be true, but it brings to light an important point.

North Dakotans have caught on to Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy. We know our Senators live in ND on paper, not really occupying the apartment building owned by Senator Conrad’s LLC. We know how these jokers vote, and where their money is coming from. We even know that Congressman Pomeroy’s on a short list for a cushy lobbyist position alongside the wife of another North Dakota career politician.

While the mainstream media wouldn’t take the twenty minutes required to track this stuff and write about it, an average guy can put the pieces together in no time and let ’em go viral on the Internet. The “new media” is a force these politicians can’t stop yet, although I’m sure they’d like to try. Now that the people can arm themselves with information, we’re a far greater threat to these politicians than they could ever imagine. Now…let’s set about giving Earl Pomeroy the opportunity to explore other career options this November!

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…not a creature was stirring, not even a US Senator from North Dakota

I had some errands to run last night on my way to the law enforcement center to hang out with some friends who were on duty. My wife and boys were in bed and I wanted to let the guys know I appreciate them and wish ’em a Merry Christmas. I couldn’t help but satisfy my curiosity and swing by the apartment building that Senators Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan use to claim North Dakota citizenship on paper for re-election purposes. Kent Conrad sold this apartment building to an LLC that he set up for $1 a few years ago, then refinanced it on a sweetheart mortgage deal from Countrywide Financial. Conrad was “cleared” by an ethics committee once the Democrats gained control of it in the 2008 elections and pulled pranks like changing the locks on the hearing room doors to keep Republicans from asking him tough questions. Members of that oversight committee had their own Countrywide problems they wanted to go away, as well.

The two buildings are part of one property. Apartment #1 in the building on the right belongs to Sen. Conrad. It’s the dark set of windows on the left side of the second floor. Apartment #8 in the building on the left belongs to Sen. Dorgan. It’s the dark set of windows on the bottom back corner. It doesn’t look like they’re “home” for Christmas.

I don’t know about Senator Byron “Skybox” Dorgan, but perhaps the Conrads are enjoying the holidays at the million dollar beach home that Sen. Conrad failed to list on his required financial disclosure forms. After all, it would save him the unpleasant possibility of having to face his constituents over his behavior in recent Senate votes.

Then again, maybe they’re so tired from stabbing North Dakotans in the back yesterday by voting for the health care takeover bill that the majority of North Dakotans oppose. That’s tough work, contorting yourself between the carefully crafted image you portray back in North Dakota and the lockstep liberal you really are in Washington, DC!

It’s time to send these guys packing, and throw little Earl Pomeroy out to boot. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Earl Pomeroy cries about “out of state special interest group” to ND media, needs to review own financing (UPDATED)

I awoke this morning to discover this KXMB News article describing Congressman Earl Pomeroy’s angst over an “out of state special interest group” running ads against the government takeover of healthcare. He accuses them of “scaring seniors” which is another bit of irony; if it wasn’t for scaring North Dakota seniors and farmers every election cycle, the Democrat Party would barely exist in this state!

Yes, there are a lot of out-of-state interests advertising in North Dakota. How about, for instance all the unions that are advocating the government takeover of health care by their Democrat conspirators, so they can offload union pensions onto the US taxpayer? Apparently those are okay with the Congressman.

With that in mind, I decided to see how much evil “out of state” money Congressman Pomeroy is stuffing into his pockets for his political campaign. A quick web search brought me to this page on opensecrets.org, which as of the time of this post indicates that 90% of Earl Pomeroy’s campaign money comes from outside of North Dakota! Does that officially make Congressman Pomeroy a hypocrite for appearing on ND television stations, whining about “out of state special interests?” It seems, sir, that it is out of state special interests funding your campaign for re-election!

It’s interesting…in the lists of Top Metro Areas and Top Zip Codes of his contributions, only Grand Forks makes the list. Otherwise, North Dakota doesn’t even appear on the page! Congressman Pomeroy, you’ve got a LOT of explaining to do.

Update: Perhaps he’s not the only one, however. Did it not ever occur to any of the KXMB News staff, not even once, to question the Congressman’s source of funding? It took me thirty seconds to find this information. The local TV stations make a very large portion of their revenue from the three Democrats every election cycle, and I think it’s having an effect on the newsrooms. They look the other way when ever one of them goof up (such as Byron Dorgan’s connections to Jack Abramoff or Kent Conrad’s ethics investigation in the Countrywide Mortgage scandal) and then act like cheerleaders and stenographers whenever granted an opportunity by the congressmen’s public relations staff. Perhaps it is because they are the final beneficiaries of much of those Democrats’ out-of-state campaign money!

Updated 3/3/2010: According to this POLITICO article, the unions are funneling $700,000 into advertising in favor of Earl Pomeroy and his Democrat cronies. Do you suppose Earl will be decrying this use of “out of state” money as well? Call his office and ask him!

Earl Pomeroy: “Blue Dog” Democrat? No, “Lap Dog” fits better

Late last week I posted about my appeal to Congressman Pomeroy to vote against the House health takeover bill, which will bring the national recession home to North Dakota. He caved to pressure from his national party and voted for it anyway, regardless of its effect on North Dakotans.

First, Earl decided he needed the accolades of Washington insiders, which he achieved by announcing support for this monstrosity of a bill.

Also, Earl appeared at a press conference to apologize to Nancy Pelosi, whom he really serves when the rubber meats the road. That will insure the backing of the national Democrat (not Democratic) party in his re-election bid. North Dakotans got sold down the river.

Saturday night, in clear violation of promises by President Obama and Speaker Pelosi that final legislation would be placed online for 72 hours for public review, Earl Pomeroy voted to cut Medicare by $400 billion and start taxing North Dakotans and North Dakota small businesses into compliance with socialized health care.

This is a pattern with Rep. Pomeroy, who represents the Democrat Party more than he represents North Dakota. Perhaps any ND suffix after his name should just be retasked to stand for National Democrats.

The first particular instance that really angered me was when I stood beside fellow Patriot Guard Riders at the funeral of a fallen soldier. On June 17th, 2009, Earl Pomeroy made sure to attend the funeral of a fallen North Dakota soldier and play the part of a supportive member of government. There’s only one problem: less than 24 hours earlier he had voted with fellow Democrats against a resolution voicing support for the soldiers and pledging victory in the Global War on Terror! He couldn’t split from national Democrats even to support the soldiers, but then the hypocrite comes back to North Dakota to act like it never happened.

While in North Dakota, he’s one Earl Pomeroy…after the jet ride back to Washington, DC, he’s an entirely different Earl Pomeroy altogether. Don’t take my word for it; click on each of the links indicated in blue in what I just wrote above. Connect the dots for yourself; that’s why I’m diligent in posting links supporting every point I make. The next time you have a chance to vote against this traitorous hypocrite on a ballot, please exercise your right to do so. Remember: a vote for Earl Pomeroy is a vote to rubber-stamp whatever the most extreme leftists in Congress want him to do.

My visit to Earl Pomeroy’s “fortress of solitude”

While I’m too busy being gainfully employed to attend Thursday’s rally in Washington, DC, I was able to take some time to make my voice heard. I downloaded the most recent draft of the House bill #3962, ironically titled the “Affordable Health Care for America Act,” and do a little homework. You can download the bill in PDF format here.

Part of this was spurred on by this article in the Washington Post. According to the article, “Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-N.D.), a prominent fiscal hawk, stood up to announce that he would support the measure, drawing a round of applause loud enough to be heard outside the room.” I think we can draw the right conclusion as to who was doing the applauding, and it wasn’t North Dakotans.

I took seven of the sections of legislation that stood out to me the most, printed out those pages from the over 1,900 contained in this bill, and made some notes of my own. I attached a brief letter to my Congressman, and set out to deliver it in person to his office.

Getting to the office of your Senator or Representative in Bismarck isn’t exactly convenient. Because they put their offices in the federal building, there are certain restrictions. No cameras, which is why the only photo you’ll see for this post is above. No phones, presumably because they take pictures. Metal detectors, of course, since there’s a federal courthouse and other offices such as US Marshals reside inside. Thus my Superman-inspired “fortress of solitude” crack in the title of this post.

Walking down the sterile hallways, it was obvious this was a government building. Pale blue walls, all doors closed, no windows, lots of cameras. Can you imagine having a national health care system every bit as personal as this place? I shudder at the thought. Anyway, I found Representative Pomeroy’s office on the third floor, northeast corner, with windows facing out toward 3rd Street. I talked to a polite gentleman there and handed him my letter voicing my concerns. The text of the letter:

Congressman Pomeroy:

It was with great disdain that I read the attached Washington Post article where you drew “a round of applause loud enough to be heard outside the room” for supporting the train wreck that is HR 3962, the House health “reform” act. I guarantee, sir, that those cheers were not coming from North Dakotans. I may be a simple guy, but in perusing the nearly two thousand pages of bureaucracy in the act I have found the following (see attached, with notes):

Page 91 – if my existing coverage changes in any way, I’m forced into the government system;

Page 110 – Abortions are covered as soon as the House can find a way to circumvent the abortion law;

Page 275 – My employer, a small business, will have to pay an additional 8 percent of its payroll to the government if it cannot provide us a government-approved health plan, likely forcing it to fire some of us;

Page 297 – I will personally be taxed 2.5% if I don’t meet the government requirements for a health care plan – where does the Constitution allow the federal government to force a private citizen to buy anything?

Page 313 – again goes after my employer, and hundreds of North Dakota businesses. How is this good for the state you claim to represent?

Page 339-341 – Taxes the sale and use of medical devices, a term so broad and subjective that it will certainly become all-encompassing. How does adding more taxes serve North Dakotans?

I’d like to remind you that all this information is readily available to North Dakota citizens and we are using it. More and more of us each day are building excitement at the idea of defeating anyone supporting this socialist, unconstitutional assault on our freedom. I advise you to keep us in mind as you consider your next bid for re-election.

I would like some answers, sir. As my Representative you are supposed to be looking out for the best interests of North Dakotans, not Nancy Pelosi. In light of that duty, I think your constituents deserve an explanation of how this bill can possibly be good for North Dakotans and North Dakota businesses. I eagerly await a reply.


I suppose I could have been all confrontational and demanded an answer from the staffer, but why should I ambush a guy at work? I voiced my concerns on paper and received an assurance that Representative Pomeroy would receive my letter. I took part in the process. Let’s hope that others took some time to send him (and other members of Congress) a clear message.

Don’t take my word for it, though. Download the bill yourself and look at the page numbers I listed above. Those are just scratching the surface of this monstrosity! It creates 111 new federal bureaucracies to administer this juggernaut as well, according to a report I read online. It may even be worse, since Nancy Pelosi has broken her promise to post the final legislation online 72 hours before it comes to a vote. Does anyone – especially Congresman Pomeroy – have any idea what’s actually contained therein?

Like my letter said, we North Dakotans deserve some answers.

Ethics investigation of Sen. Kent Conrad takes an interesting twist when Democrats change the lock on the hearing room door. Seriously

Senator Kent Conrad has scored a few victories in dodging investigation into his Countrywide mortgage on the property he owns in Bismarck. He and Senator Chris Dodd have been under investigation for getting “sweetheart mortgages” for quite some time until the Democrats won the majority in the Senate and dismissed the matter. Republicans are still trying to get to the bottom of this, and want to issue subpoenas to get some answers. The Democrats have been working to stall that process.

This article
describes the crazy lengths to which they’ll go: changing the locks on the door to the committee meeting room where the decision to issue subpoenas would be made. They then informed Republicans that only the Democrats would have the keys.

The article goes on to explain that it’s a retaliatory trick that the Democrats are using after being busted for canceling a meeting on the matter, lying that they had conflicts in their schedules.

The larger crime here, in my opinion, dwarfs the sweetheart mortgage deal on the property. It is my firm belief that Senators Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan claim this apartment complex as their “residence” so they can remain eligible as North Dakotans on paper for reelection and get sent back east, where Senator Conrad has little real estate gems like this $1.4 million beach house.

If you want more information on this little bit of “inverse carpetbagging” on behalf of North Dakota’s members of the United States Senate, just click here.

North Dakota soldiers are facing enemies abroad, Earl Pomeroy doesn’t even have the courage to face his constituents

Tonight, while I was busy being husband and daddy, I missed the opportunity to call in to Earl Pomeroy’s teleconference call. This call was supposed to take the place of a “town hall” meeting, something Democrats are deathly afraid of now that citizens are wise to their march toward socialism. The calls were screened, and apparently people such as SEIU union leaders and NDPeople.org liberals were given time to ask questions. These are the same people, by the way, that are organizing a fake, “astroturf” event in support of the Democrat’s government takeover of healthcare…while accusing the Tea Party folks of being hired by the insurance companies.

With news reports documenting the tearful goodbyes of North Dakota soldiers (the largest National Guard force since the Korean war, according to this KX News article), Earl Pomeroy doesn’t even have the courage to face his own constituents, whose will he wants to overrule in favor of Democrat party loyalty.

This shouldn’t be a surprise; the main reason why I refer to Congressman Pomeroy as a coward is highlighted in this post. The House of Representatives had a non-binding resolution declaring that American soldiers will be victorious in the Global War on Terror. Pomeroy voted against this resolution in support of our soldiers in order to remain a loyal Democrat. Then, within a day, he showed up at the funeral of a North Dakota soldier and put on his “patriot face” for those of us standing with the Patriot Guard. How wickedly dishonest and hypocritical can a guy be? Just study Earl.

If you don’t already know the details of that little encounter, please click here for the text of the bill. Apparently the one thing Earl Pomeroy does not want to face is the truth. While our soldiers are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo, Earl Pomeroy hides behind a telephone and a call screener to avoid the citizens who he fails to represent.

Today’s liberal double standard alert

Regardless of what you think about either President, you cannot be intellectually honest and yet think that this sort of thing is appropriate for one President and not the other. Either it’s appropriate for both or neither. Personally I prefer to have more respect for the office of President, regardless of who’s holding it…but the left seems to have skewered that concept long ago.

The argumentative part of me wants to say, “there you have it, lefties. You wrote books about assassinating President Bush, you called him Hitler, you made ‘art’ depicting him as a monkey, and every other demented thing you could think of. See how you like it when it’s your messiah getting the treatment.” Frankly, I don’t care to stoop to their level.

I see that some people are trying to make a buck off this.

While I’m not a frequent visitor of her site, I noticed today that Michelle Malkin has some examples of the tolerant left’s treatment of our 43rd President.