He brakes for rainbows

I don’t know what kind of bushes these are, but I do know they’re amazing. My sweetie first told me about these as she showed me some photos she took with her phone while out for a walk. Naturally I had to investigate them for myself! Here are a the first of many photos from this area. I presume you caught the B-52’s song title reference in the title of this post…

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It’s easy being green…and gold

Shifting gears slightly, let’s take a look at a feature which became my favorite this year: light green colors mixed with gold as the leaves were mid-metamorphosis. It seems we have such quick autumn periods most years – and I’ve been so darn busy for the last few years anyway – that being able to enjoy the leaves in mid-transition hasn’t been a luxury available to me. Well, this time I got to enjoy it…

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A firth of fifth of fall colors

I know we’re reaching that dreary point where so many leaves have fallen, turned brown, or both, but hopefully these photo posts can prolong the autumn beauty for a little while until the snow arrives. It isn’t the dread of bleaker scenes which caused me to use the Genesis song title for the title of this post, though. I just needed a Fifth reference, and there isn’t any water in this post to make Firth relevant.

I’ve never been a fan of Spring because everything’s still so barren and brown, even when the nice, warm temperatures arrive. Fall is where it’s at, even when it begins to get really cold overnight. And then there are the photos. Instead of pining for the fjords, let’s bask in the photos of autumn beauty…

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