If you’re a computer programmer or an accountant, you understand the title: Last In, First Out. This is probably the last autumn photo I’ll get this year, as the high winds which rolled in Wednesday morning are ripping the leaves off the trees as I type this.

Oddly enough, this year may be my best year for fall photos…ever. At least, so far. I’ve got a ton to post, and I’ll be trickling them out for a bit in the near future, but for now I just wanted to get this one out. It was a surprise I can’t believe I’ve never seen before, and I’m glad I got it…even with a cell phone. Not as good as my actual camera, but still a really nice shot.

The new fall styles are in

Here we are…another autumn season! I have had a gut feeling for a while that this season will be short and sweet. So far we’ve got the sweet! The colors of the leaves have become spectacular.

I’m incredibly busy – still – so I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to get out with my camera to capture some fall colors before the leave are gone, but I’m going to give it my best shot! I already took an unscheduled day off to bolt to Pembina Gorge with my sweetie, and I hope to post those photos soon. So even if I’m tied up for much of this season, I won’t end up empty-handed!

Bucket list: Cave Hills Church at sunset

There’s a photo I’ve wanted to get for years. My subject is the Cave Hills Church, situated at the base of an incredible ridge of rocks, at just the right time and from just the right place.

I’d been here before, and found myself totally enamored of it, but I’d never really caught the photo of it I wanted. I discovered this church after seeing someone else’s photo of it and painstakingly dialing in its location. Once I visited the first time – and it’s a long trip to get back there – I knew what I wanted. But how to get it?

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Hey! In Maddock

One of my favorite road trip activities is to exclaim, “Hay!” whenever we encounter a bunch of hay. Of course, as a city kid I’m not very astute at distinguishing hay from straw, so I had better be careful if I have a farm kid with me. Thankfully I was safe when I saw this beauty while rolling through Maddock a while back.

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Morning sunset

I thought I’d start my morning – and my week – with a post taken in the evening. This is the elevator at Arena, ND. I hadn’t been there in a while, despite its proximity to Bismarck-Mandan, but I had a dear friend in town from Florida and we wanted to get out with our cameras. I had a bunch of cool places marked – that house in Robinson I featured earlier, for instance – and this was the last major spot we had planned on the way home. The evening didn’t disappoint: lots of color abounded, and even a really cool set of clouds posed in the background for us!

She’s a brick…house

I’ve wanted to visit this house, located along the state’s border, for quite some time. I’d seen a winter photo of it somewhere, put my photogrammetry and detective skills to work to locate it, then sat and craved a road trip for months. I did finally throw my gear on my motorcycle earlier this year and venture down to the spot, and it did not disappoint.

I’m glad I was able to capture such incredible skies behind it! I was actually dodging thunderstorm cells on the way down there and back. I have ridden and even raced motorcycles in the rain, but I can’t say I’ve ever enjoyed it. I’d definitely rather avoid it when I have my camera gear on board!

Another cool barn find

This barn was another which caught my eye on the way to another location. I couldn’t help but stop for a quick shot. This looks like many other barns except for that prominent feature in the middle. Pretty cool! It seems like all of these barns have their own unique character in one way or another, and this one didn’t disappoint. It was really eye-catching, perched atop a hill and facing that late afternoon sun with a solid, stately look which definitely merited a moment of admiration from this photo hobbyist.