I’m not a smart man, Jenny…but I know this trick

capitol_2015_32539Last night was a little ugly for photography. It was cold. It was windy. I was preoccupied with taking my little guys to Mandan to light a few dollars’ worth of fireworks, then bringing them home for story time with Rush Revere.  I checked the weather on and off through the night, but the wind and cold kept me indoors.  That’s okay; I had another plan, anyway.


capitol_2015_32537One problem I had right off the bat when doing photos of the capitol with the windows lit was the dark surroundings; the lit windows looked like dots floating in the dark.  I realized that I needed a brighter background if I wanted the photo to look better, so I started chasing my capitol photos just before dawn.


capitol_2015_32546Showing up a little before dawn gives one the flexibility to let the light you want come to you.  It’s a delicate balance between having things too dark and too bright, because you want the “2015” to stand out.


capitol_2015_32551Of course, it’s half part luck. If this morning had been sunny, I’d have been sunk.  The cloudy sky, however, diffused the waxing light of the sunrise just enough to give me what I needed.  The snow and capitol were lit, as was the sky in the background, but not enough to blow out the numbers in the windows.


capitol_2015_32555It’s a just-perfect set of circumstances that will allow you to get a shot like this, where it looks like daylight but the windows are still visible.  I didn’t do any Photoshop or Lightroom trickery to make any of these shots happen.  It’s all by trying to glean an understanding of the light, being in the right place at the right time, and having the good fortune of the weather conditions required.  I was out of bed, done with my photos, and back home before my first bleary-eyed little boy wandered out of his bedroom to say good morning to Daddy.

Happy New Year!



How to tell it’s still Christmas

chmielewskis_32517It wouldn’t be Christmas without a photo of the Chmielewski’s Christmas Corner.  I went by last night to grab a photo or two, and it was magnificent.  I didn’t have to wait for traffic, either!

One other display you should check out, which I didn’t photograph, is the Holiday Lights 4 U display on Columbine Drive.  I’m not going to ruin the surprise, but there is an element of this display that I haven’t seen anywhere else, and which will blow your mind the first time you see it.  If you’re a kid, it’ll be especially cool.  That display should be up through the weekend, too.

I still have the Christmas lights and tree up in my studio at work, and the Christmas songs play on repeat.  I suppose I’ll take them down next week when I return to work, but for now I’m keeping the spirit of the season alive and well.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It’s about time…

capitol_windows_32511Now that there’s snow on the grass, I figured I’d venture out and grab a shot of the capitol with the windows lit.  Check.  Christmas wouldn’t be the same without it!

I got what I wanted for Christmas: prior to opening gifts this morning, I read from Luke 2:8-14…

linus_christmasWhat’s so cool about that, other than the obvious?  The fact that my entire (albeit little) family recited it with me, including the little influenza case on the couch with his blankie.  You see, Linus Van Pelt is not the only one who has memorized this passage of scripture.  We all have.  In fact, my oldest got up in front of our church with a microphone and recited it when he was four years old.  He took it upon himself to do this after watching A Charlie Brown Christmas with his daddy.  How awesome is that?

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

ND’s “new arrivals” are bringing their crime with them…a suggestion for the media

crimeThe above screen capture is a representation of how our local news has changed with regard to crime in the area.  Sad, isn’t it?  I used to comment on the possibility of this as North Dakota, and Bismarck-Mandan specifically, began to experience growth at an increasing pace. I predicted, “We’re going to be bringing in all kinds of population to staff these fancy new businesses we’ve tried so hard to attract. Not all of them will be nice people; that’s a fact of life.”  That has turned out to be the case.

So, what do we do about this?  We’re not used to seeing stranglings, attempted murders, human trafficking, and high-dollar larceny in our daily headlines, but they’re regular features now.  To put a fine but politically incorrect point on it: many of these folks aren’t your typical upper-Midwest German, Norwegian, or Native American if you know what I mean.  I’m not talking about their race, I’m talking about their background.  So why not make that part of the story?

I propose that when John Doe gets busted for keeping his 8 year old girl in a dog kennel or chasing soccer players around the park with a machete, that the news report indicate how long they have lived in North Dakota and where they came from if possible.  This could be useful information for law enforcement to gather for use in tracking crime statistics, and those findings could be made available to the media along with the crime reports.  Help us keep some perspective here.

Chances are pretty good that these people are not North Dakotans per se; they have either recently arrived or have been transplanted to North Dakota from some other place where their behavior is normal.  Here it is not.  If it’s a North Dakota native who has made the headlines, then they’ll stand out from the rest of us by joining such ranks.

So, instead of saying that “Bismarck man accused of assault with 2×4 lumber”, how about this: “Former Reno resident accused of assault with 2×4”.  One could point out that the man currently lives in Bismarck and has been here for six months.  I think it would be healthy for North Dakotans and law-abiding “new arrivals” to perceive that North Dakotans are people who live up to their reputation of being good neighbors, that the malcontents are typically not from around here and are bringing their violence and lack of character with them from elsewhere.

I know, this probably reads as completely xenophobic. I’m not looking to brand everyone who comes here from out of state as a violent miscreant.  What I’m seeking is some much-needed clarity in our apparent surge in crime and misdeeds in North Dakota.  Doing so won’t necessarily vilify non-native North Dakotans, but it will help those of us who obey the law (including those who have recently arrived here) a sense of perspective about our home state and our culture.

I’m not suggesting that the focus of the story should become where a suspect comes from or how long they’ve lived in North Dakota.  I’m not advocating for any finger-pointing or sensationalism.  Just a mention of where the person came from would be prudent and provide some perspective to the crime report(s).

Wouldn’t it be comforting to families recently relocated to North Dakota to know that they haven’t moved to the Wild West, that most North Dakotans are basically good people?  I think they’d find that reassuring.  I think it would also encourage them to embrace North Dakota culture rather than assume this sort of thing is normal, as it may be where they came from.

I don’t want North Dakota to slip into a mode of acceptance of all this garbage.  Crime needs to be stigmatized.  Criminals need to be called to account.  North Dakotans need statistics to show that we’re not devolving, and new arrivals need to know that they’re arriving in a state and culture where crime is not accepted and taken for granted.  This would help us preserve that North Dakota way of life we treasure so dearly.

One more time, with feeling

capitol_tree_32410Feeling blue?  I absolutely love blue; it’s right up there with Kawasaki Green for me.  That’s why I had to employ one of my few photographic tricks last night – being in the right place at the right time – to get this shot of the Capitol’s Christmas tree with the windows of the Memorial Hall filled with a vibrant blue in the background.

During Monday night’s ceremony I took careful note of when this phenomenon occurred, using my phone for some test shots.  I came up with some really nice blue at around 5:18 pm.  Obviously there was plenty of ceremony remaining, so there was no way I could get all those people and chairs out of the way to catch the light I was anticipating.  As an annual attendee of this ceremony I understood this, and used the opportunity to do my homework for a Tuesday night shoot.  For those of you out there who like to do this kind of photography, you probably already understand the importance of research.  If you don’t, consider this a tip.

So, I arrived at the capitol just after 5pm and set up, letting the light come to me.  I required a clear sky, which thankfully God provided, and just clicked away for a while until I got just the right blue with the exposure and fill flash settings I’d prepared.

Governor Dalrymple was the last person I saw leaving the capitol, around 5:30 or so, and he gave my photo pal Zach and me a cheerful greeting on his way out.  I can tell that he and Betsy, as well as Lieutenant Governor Drew Wrigley and his wife, really enjoy this season and the festive way in which North Dakota’s capitol celebrates in tradition.

Ta da! This year’s Christmas Tree adorns Memorial Hall

capitol_tree_32392Isn’t she lovely?  This is the 2014 Christmas tree in the Memorial Hall of the North Dakota state capitol.  The ceremony, as usual, was wonderful and a highlight of my year.  There were Christmas carols, Bible verses, and of course cookies and cider.

In conjunction with this festive occasion, the capitol windows once again display a Christmas tree shape in green and red.  I didn’t stop for photos of that, but I’m sure I’ll take advantage of the opportunity soon.

Amid continued rumors that fire code keeps threatening the possibility of switching to an artificial tree, I was pleased to find that we have a real Douglas Balsam Fir again this year.  Both the governor and lieutenant governor have told me that they’re resolved to keep a real tree part of the tradition.

Incidentally, and I didn’t know this until just now, the tree’s arrival was actually delayed by a day.  I was otherwise engaged last Monday and was unable to hang around awaiting its arrival.  I guess the weather was so cold that the temperature change from bringing itside could have damaged the tree and caused it to shed many of its needles.  Thankfully, it’s here and looking healthy.

Oh, how I love this season!

In memoriam

gwot_memorial_32255I teach my kids that there are three real superheroes: the preacher, the soldier, and the first responder.  I took a moment to visit the GWOT Memorial last weekend and thought I’d share this image from that visit.  Would have loved to visit the Veteran’s Memorial this weekend as we remember the Pearl Harbor attack, but I’ve been down with a sinus infection thing all weekend.  That’s okay…one can still be thankful from a bed or couch, all dosed up on TheraFlu.

The scary thing is, it was swinging

ndak_windchime_32350I’ve wanted to take a photo of this oddity for a long, long time.  I actually got an opportunity today while on the road for another errand in western North Dakota, and researched the odd route needed to reach it.

This and a couple of other items reside along the south side of I-94 west of Glen Ullin, but one has to take a long route to the north to reach them, cutting back across a county road to an overpass and a frontage road.

I guess I can finally cross this off my photo bucket list!  It’s interesting to note that as I bracketed exposures to deal with the harsh sunlight directly behind it, I caught the chain actually swaying slightly.  I don’t recall the wind being that strong, so maybe it was residual motion from my little boys climbing to the top of it.  I guess I’ll never know.

Capitol Christmas tree scheduled to arrive today

I have a meeting this morning and it’s wicked cold, so I won’t be able to catch the arrival of the 2014 tree.  That’s okay, I can share this experience from a couple of years ago to show how that enormous tree is brought to the capitol building’s Memorial Hall for us to enjoy.


Each Christmas one can see a beautifully adorned and rather huge Christmas tree standing in the Great Hall of the state capitol building. It’s lit at night so that people driving past the front of the building can see it, and the display is readily available for you to visit from around 7:30 am until 5:30 pm each weekday. One can’t help but wonder: how does such a large tree find its way into the capitol building in the first place?


Of course, the direct approach is the most effective. Rather than trying to thread any hallways or turn any corners with the cumbersome tree, it comes right up the front steps and through the revolving doors. Conveniently, the panels these doors are able to collapse and slide out of the way to allow a wide berth for anyone wishing to wrestle a formidably sized conifer through the doorway.


These doors were actually designed to do this; while bringing anything larger than a briefcase through the revolving doors might pose a challenge, these doors are designed to pivot completely out of the way and provide an even wider opening than most conventional doorways.


The tree arrives on a flatbed trailer in the morning. There are some preparations that need to be done before it enters the building: a slice needs to be trimmed from the bottom of the trunk, so that it can take on water; and branches need to be trimmed from the bottom to provide around sixteen inches of clear trunk to fit the stand. After that it’s a question of manpower.


Dudes from the facilities crew grab an armful of tree and march it up the steps, wrangling through the doorway with plenty of clearance. After that it’s simply a short left turn and a matter of bolting the tree stand to the bottom of the tree’s trunk.


A rope is used to move the tree into position, first by tugging the top into line while the adjusters in the stand are tightened or loosened to make sure that the tree is standing straight. Once that is completed, the rope is pulled down from the top of the tree and wrapped around the stand’s base, which is then pulled into position at the center of the windows of the Great Hall.


After a bit of sweeping and other cleanup, the binding wrapped around the tree is removed and the branches allowed to relax. The stand’s remote water tank is filled to provide the tree with ample hydration. Later in the week, the tree will be decorated with items made and/or donated by North Dakotans, through the ND Council on the Arts. I hope to submit one for next year, because i ran out of time this year. The tree now sits as you see it above until it gets decorated on Thursday and Friday. The official Tree Lighting Ceremony is next Monday.

So, there you go…one more geeky question answered by yours truly, a geek who chases down the answers to questions which haunt the most neurotic among us.

Updated post

double_ditch_post_32313I’ve loved this wooden post marking the northwest corner of the Double Ditch Indian Village site north of Bismarck. I’ve taken many of a photo of it, whether with the International Space Station flying overhead at sunrise or with my little boys and I in the foreground for a self-portrait. One used to be able to walk around the post on the left side, but attempting to do so today would land you on your head far, far below.

It’s pretty clear that the post is hanging only by virtue of the barbed wire looped around it.  I’ve been curious about what the other side of the post looks like, but unfortunately the high levels of the Missouri River made a hike along the bottom of the cliffs impossible.  Now the water is hard enough to walk on without divinity, so I made my way along the edge to take a peek.  I found some surprises along the way that I may divulge later, but let’s get to the post.


double_ditch_post_32301Sadly, my suspicions were true.  There is no more earth holding the post at all.  If the barbed wire ever lets go, this post will join the other unusual items lying along the bank at the bottom of these cliffs.


double_ditch_post_32268I wouldn’t even advise getting anywhere near the post at this point.  The cliff is seriously eroded.  I wonder how long it will be before this whole area drops into the Big Muddy?

Along my drive into town yesterday I noticed some of my other favorite photo objects that have fallen over the past ten years since I decided I wanted to get into photography.  Good thing I’m eager to find some new ones!