I absolutely love this structure. I even had some decent conditions in which to photograph it. There was some sort of farm implement parked incredibly close to it, but from the right angle I could avoid all that. This barn almost looks like it’s half elevator, half barn!
The game of Padiddle is a source of mild contention in our house, since my wife is from the south and calls it “Piccadilly.” I’ve never heard of anyone call it that. Apparently Wikipedia agrees with me, so Neener Neener!
Sometimes when I’m out flying around in the middle of nowhere I’ll spot a gem like this, often behind an old farmstead or something that doesn’t let on what sort of treasures lie behind it. Then it’s time to hover and catch a few shots before moving on.
Erosion be damned, this pole is keeping up its end
I’ll take ya out to the wood shed
I suppose that makes me sound like a Kroll’s lady, but that’s the best I could come up with for this little shack along I-94. I had some nice, white, poofy clouds to work with earlier in the day as I took the fam for a little hike in the Badlands, but they all cleared out by early afternoon.
Shame on you, KFYR-TV. You should know better.
I was so dismayed to find my former employer handling today’s small plane crash with such amateurish incompetence, I wasn’t even sure how to address it. Whenever there’s a fatality of any sort, media should take care to give the authorities time to handle notification of loved ones before plastering it all over their pages/airwaves/the net.
I’ve been extremely critical of “those ambulance chasers at KXMB” in the past, but it seems they’ve gotten much better after some personnel and ownership changes over there. When KFYR-TV was first sold by Meyer Broadcasting, our new employers had an edict on the first page of the new employee handbook that we were not going to engage in sensationalism or irresponsible journalism. Well, they’re a few owners down the road from those days, but still…
What has me so up in arms? In the story referenced in the screen shot above, the text of the article on the website even states that authorities are not releasing any information pending notification of family. Well then, why show the airplane with its N-number clearly visible?
The other local media, KXMB included, used this photo from MCSD. The tail number is obscured out of respect for the people who are about to get some very awful news from law enforcement.
I have some background in this – I watched an uncle find out about his son’s suicide because the recovery of his body was shown on TV. There’s no excuse for this sort of thing…a TV news story is gone in minutes, sometimes seconds, without anything to gain from sensationalizing or capitalizing on the grief of others.
Monica and Alan should have known better, especially with their combined experience in this business. This sort of story requires discretion, and none was shown here. If it didn’t occur to anyone that they should blurred out or otherwise obscured the tail number of this aircraft, then they can hardly call themselves The News Leader.
The public and family of the deceased pilot deserve an apology for this one.
Uh oh. I knew this would happen
You’re probably familiar with the St. John’s Church up in Arena, North Dakota. Well, it’s time to pay it a visit as soon as you can; it is unlikely to remain intact for much longer. If you know what to look for you can see in the photo above.
The block foundation has collapsed on both sides, but that’s nothing new; it’s been like that for a couple of years. But the back has collapsed as well, causing these support beams to shift and tilt backward. They have been the only thing keeping the church from collapse.
As you can see, the entire church has settled backward and the front section is beginning to pull away from the main structure. That means the entryway and steeple may not last much longer.
Seriously. Once this settles back far enough and the beams give away, it’s all over. If you have never seen this church before, now’s your time. If you’re familiar with it, better pay it a visit before the inevitable occurs. I’ve got a fond connection with this place, and it’s going to be heartbreaking to see it go…but the clock is ticking.
Left the hood open
It’s been a while since I’ve been in the right place at the right time with the sunset and an old farmstead. Now that the kids are old enough, it’s time to take them (and their new cameras) with me. Sometimes an old farm will have a surprise, like an old car or tractor, to add to the mystique. In this case, all the ingredients came together quite nicely. And I needed it; I’ve been a bit of a workaholic lately.
Send in the clouds
After seeing so many of my counterparts out roaming and getting great cloud and storm shots, I finally decided to defy Dave Ramsey and blow some gas money with my boy. We took our cameras out for a couple of hours and had a great time! This is how our evening started, and it only got better from there. More to come…
I don’t know why it struck me the way it did, but I suddenly found myself marveling at how large this barn is. It must have been quite an undertaking to build it, and I bet it was a fantastic asset when this Fallen Farm was operating in its heyday. That’s the sort of thing that, on its most basic level, enthrals so many people when they see old buildings in decay.
It’s a neat journey to imagine what the structures must have been like when they were a home, a business, and a way of life. It’s remarkable what it must have taken to build them way back then, to get the materials and labor to a remote location and construct something that people would later drive by and photograph. It’s nice to wonder how the mundane had become so enchanting over the years and even generations. And, of course, to wonder how many lives had been affected by these buildings.
Finally, there’s the wistful realization that these structures don’t have much time left. Many of my favorite Fallen Farms are no longer in existence. Maybe later this year I’ll feature a few.
A few recent clouds
I don’t have much to say here…I just have seen some cool clouds lately, and pointed a camera up at them.
This and the first one are from tonight.
I’m not playing the “this cloud looks like…” game. I just like the shapes.
There have been a lot of really unusually shaped clouds lately.
I’m going to keep watching for more, and share them here when I find them.