Outstanding in his field

fallen_farm_37829-31_hdrThis critter stands next to an interesting feature, a mangled windmill on a farmstead just west of Harmon Lake.  In its heyday I bet this was an amazing homestead; it looks out over a beautiful valley to the north and gets a beautiful view of the eastern and western horizons at sunrise and sunset.  Now it’s just the cattle that get to appreciate the view.


mangled_windmill_37820This windmill took a real beating.  I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one this mangled, which of course made it immediately catch my eye.  It looks as though it caught some interference while spinning.  I had a similar experience when working at the ski resort in Big Sky one year.  The winds at 10,000 feet can be pretty nasty, as Monty Python would say, and one of the chairs on the Challenger lift swung outside the safety cage on the big pulley at the top of the lift.  Naturally things started getting all mangly as the lift wheel turned, and we were without our double black diamond run for a little while.

Sadly, I don’t think anyone’s coming out to fix this windmill any time soon.

Post in color

post_37959-61_hdrAs you probably know, I have a soft spot for rural North Dakota, particularly around Bismarck-Mandan.  I love roaming the back roads and section lines, trying to find picturesque views and document remnants from the pioneer past (which, in many areas, isn’t all that long ago).  I’m a “city kid” who actually spent his childhood in the Rocky Mountains despite being a native NoDak, so I feel like somewhat an interloper in that regard…but I love the natural beauty of North Dakota and the spirit of the people here.

That’s one reason why I love taking photos like this one from Saturday.  There is no other side of this gate; the adjacent quarter is open where this approach enters.  The open fields of brilliant green were offset by a lovely morning blue sky, devoid of clouds for a change.  The drab, colorless post was a perfect contrast to the beautiful natural hues in the background.

I discovered something which I feel is very sad nearby…but I have to get ready for work now, so that’s going to have to be in another post in a day or two.

Need a place to faceplant in Mandan? Look no further

faceplant_zone_ip_1764This sign has since been fixed, but as I stopped near the Trolley Bridge on my motorcycle a while ago I noticed it and thought it was slightly funny.  Opinions may vary.  It looks like the sign is indicating a Faceplant Zone, newly paved for your comfort!


faceplant_zone_ip_1761What happens in Mandan stays in Mandan…

Folks are known to faceplant in Mandan, after all…why not have a zone just for them?  The only problem is the traffic.  Maybe that’s why they reconsidered and fixed the sign. 🙂


Studebaker sunset

whitmore_car_37711-3_hdrI’ve been meaning to get a shot of this old car for quite some time.  It sits on my friend’s land, gazing over the prairie.  It looks like some bushes have taken root and called it home.  I’ve often wished it was facing north so I could do some sort of drive-in theater looking shot when the Northern Lights appear, but a sunset this weekend showed me that it’s in a perfect spot already.

One other good thing about this photo: no ticks, despite wading through the tall grass!

What it looks like without any wedding parties in it

heritage_center_atrium__37592I took my kiddos to Bismarck’s 144th Birthday celebration at the Heritage Center’s State Museum last weekend.  One our way out it occurred to me that I hadn’t really done any photography in the Northern Lights Atrium.  This was my chance.  After all, nearly every other time I’ve been there I’ve seen wedding parties getting ready for their photos.  In fact, there were a few such people there when we first arrived.


heritage_center_atrium__37595-2I like geometry, so of course I snapped a couple of shots and looked around.  This space is so busy with portrait photography that they had to start taking appointments and setting forth some common sense rules.


heritage_center_atrium__37590For some reason I really expected this to actually…do something.  But if you’ve driven by at night, you can see the disappointingly faint glow of someone’s homage to Northern Lights.  I’m not looking for a Pink Floyd concert, but some lights that moved or changed in some way would have been nice…and a far better tribute to the real thing.


heritage_center_atrium_37600Again…it’s all about the angles.  The beautiful skies last Saturday helped a lot.

If you’re looking to use the atrium for photography, here is a link to the finalized rules of conduct you should adhere to in order to help keep the building an enjoyable place for everyone as you share the space.

Double Ditch Auroras

auroras_37499As I hinted a while back, I got to go out chasing auroras last weekend.  While I was a zombie Sunday afternoon between church services, I was glad I went.  Without a concrete advance plan I defaulted to Double Ditch, which was also because a friend of mine was already there.  We started off by hiking down to the river with the aid of abundant LED light.  In fact, I was astonished at how much light I was carrying.


auroras_37505We took some time to venture out to, and even into (in my friend’s case).  We caught a waft of skunk smell, so going back up top started to seem like a pretty decent idea.


auroras_37511We hiked out to the little stone hut, an attraction to which one used to be able to drive.  There we camped out for a while as we worked various angles of the structure and the lights came and went.  They started to settle down and we both started thinking about our responsibilities in church in a few short hours, so it was time to pack it in.  I’m pleased to say we each got some pretty decent shots for our effort.

I got a few Northern Lights photos last night, and – SQUIRREL

baby_squirrel_37557Before I process and share the photos of Saturday night’s blazing auroras, I have to share this little guy.  We had the kids at a park in Mandan for an afternoon with their cousins, and my youngest came up to tell me he was able to pet a little squirrel. He wanted my help to climb the tree where the little buggers were (apparently there were two) so he could get another look at them.  Well, I found the tree and one of the squirrels.  I was astonished to find a hole in the tree and a tiny little baby squirrel daring into it.


squirrel_setup_ip_8341Well, that’s all it took.  I got my camera gear out of the truck and set out to capture the little guy.  The family day was wrapping up anyway, so I set up shop under the tree and decided to wait until the baby squirrel(s) decided to make an appearance.  All the din of the boys and girls had settled, and after a while one of the babies popped up for a visit.


baby_squirrel_37570Isn’t this cuuuuuuuuuute?  Peek-a-boo!  Thankfully I didn’t appear to be too big a threat, as I actually had a much longer time with my subject than I anticipated.  I had the tripod all set up in position so I wouldn’t have to waste time framing, I had my focus point set, I had weighted down the tripod with my bag to avoid wind issues, and I had the remote handy so I wouldn’t have to get any closer to take my shots.  Preparation paid off.


baby_squirrel_37563I didn’t see any evidence of my own to corroborate the existence of two baby squirrels here, but rather than wait around to find out I chose to pack up and work my way home…after checking out a place for a sunset shot.  That shot didn’t happen, as my fuel pump in my truck decided to flake out on me…but from a photographic standpoint I was satisfied with my day.  Just not from an automotive point of view.

Watching those skies

old_combine_37463-5_hdrOne thing North Dakota does have is some of the best skies anywhere.  That’s most evident at sunrise, sunset, during thunderstorms, and when the clouds do really cool, wispy things in the vibrant blue sky.  This old combine gets to take it all in, sitting in a nice little meadow enjoying its retirement.

A couple of tidbits about this photo: first, it’s got company.  There’s a bird perched atop its chute.  Second, someone was performing a controlled burn to the east, as you can see by light smoke over the hill on the left side of the photo.

Working all the angles

ww_memorial_37376-8_hdrI recently took my boys to the memorial monument on the east side of the Liberty Memorial bridge.  They read the plaques an wandered around, appreciating both the monument and the nice weather (finally) after so many rainy and/or windy days. I, of course, wanted to do some photo work as I’ve been bouncing off the walls lately.


ww_memorial_37383Here’s the view upward as my camera looks straight up the middle with a wide-angle lens.  A little fill, a little circular polarizer, and I have a satisfying bit if white geometry on a vivid blue backdrop, with a trio of flags thrown in for good measure.


ww_memorial_dji_0085My favorite angle.  Not only does this show the center “aurora” looking spires, but it also looks like something out of a Picasso painting of an eyeball.

I’ve been trying to revisit some familiar photo sites lately, as well as branch out for some new ones…but this is a b usy time of year for me.  Thankfully I still have a few places in mind that aren’t far out of town.  Then I get to post them here and share!

My name is Sue! How do you do?

salem_sue_dji_0019I had the opportunity to swing thru New Salem the other night and pay the “World’s Largest Holstein Cow” a visit.  The last time I had my little boy with me and he used his toy Vtech digital camera to take some 640×480 stills of it.  Well, this time I had a different angle in mind.


salem_sue_dji_0073I’ve always wanted this angle, although she looks a little angry right now.  Maybe that’s when I started getting the Johnny Cash song in my head.


salem_sue_dji_0065And there’s the gleam in her eye, as she surveys the Morton County Fair site on the east side of School Hill.  That won’t be till August, though.

There are other giant fiberglass cows out there, but I can’t find any evidence of one bigger.  Here’s a site that details some of them.  Didn’t see another holstein, so perhaps New Salem’s claim holds true.