Another local ad with Bismarck misspelled

There’s a TON of construction going on out there these days, much of it along my daily route. So what does one do while stuck at a standstill because some dork wants to turn left in the middle of a construction zone? Pull out the camera and take a photo of the misspelling of “Bismarck” in the window of the Bis-Man Transit bus in front of me, of course!

I’m pretty sure Bis-Man Transit doesn’t make the window stickers, and neither do most of their advertisers. With that in mind, I’m sure that both BMT and Firestone employees know how to spell Bismarck. As far as the ad agency or printer who made this decal…well, they need to go back to school!

This sign has been on the bus for a long time, as its Firestone Red has faded to a faint communist pink. I wonder if anyone’s told Firestone that their ad has Bismarck spelled wrong, and that they should get their advertising account credited for the blunder? I mean, if I was paying for someone to drive around town with my business name on their bus, I wouldn’t want to be associated with spelling my own city wrong. What if someone thinks it’s my fault and doesn’t visit my business as a result? It’s a stretch, but people are wacky that way. I would want my money back, or at least some free ads (with the spelling corrected, of course).

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