Senators Conrad, Dorgan apparently unable to read, only to sign where told

North Dakota’s Senators signed a historical document: a blatant effort by the US Senate to suppress and influence political speech made by a private citizen, one who holds no public office, directly in contradiction with the First Amendment. Doesn’t that make you proud to be a North Dakotan?

If you don’t live under a rock, you know by now that a front group took two words spoken by Rush Limbaugh on his radio talk show and fabricated them into comments he didn’t say, attempting to smear him and brand him an enemy of US soldiers. He’d previously been talking about Jesse Al-Zaid, aka Jesse Macbeth, who the anti-war left was touting as a veteran who witnessed atrocities. Sadly, Al-Zaid simply washed out of boot camp after 44 days and faked the rest. That’s the strength of the anti-war left’s argument.

Then the Democrats in the US Senate jumped on board. They wrote this letter to the CEO of Clear Channel, asking him to pressure Limbaugh to back down from comments that he never even made. That, my friends, is govermnent suppression of political speech, EXACTLY the kind of thing that the Constitution prohibits. And our North Dakota senators, the dutiful little Democrat puppets that they are, signed right on board. It’s no surprise, considering that at least 90% of their campaign contributions come from outside of North Dakota.

There are two possibilities here:

1: That our beloved Senators were misled and signed the letter without knowing the whole story. If that’s the case, then how can we trust them to sign ANYTHING responsibly, especially legislation? If they’ll sign a letter violating the First Amendment, what else will they sign? Don’t they have staffs that research this kind of stuff? If a guy working in his garage with the radio on can get it, how can they miss it…except willingly? Which leads to the next possibility:

2: That they signed this letter knowingly, preferring to be loyal liberal Democrats rather than do what’s right (or legal). In this case, they have shown their loyalty to a corrupt and morally bankrupt political party rather than the state they claim to represent.

What have our ND Senators done to support the families of soldiers? They’ve dutifully done whatever the leftist Democrat Party has told them to do, so they can keep getting enough out-of-state money to remain big fish in a small pond. They vote right in line with Massachussetts liberals, not North Dakotans…check their voting records and compare them with the most liberal: they match. Then they come back to North Dakota every now and then to claim that they’re bringing home the bacon, while pretending to be North Dakotans on paper so they can be re-elected. In the mean time, the free speech rights of a person who holds no public office had better not get in the way, as their signatures on this historic document prove. North Dakota can do better.

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