I was out running around with a friend last night and, after a brief stop at Applebee’s, we found ourself out by an old familiar waypoint in my GPS: this windmill. It was dark except for the (in this case) inconvenient light of a full moon, so I took a long exposure. You can tell by the streaking of the few visible stars in the photo. Clouds were starting to roll in on the horizon and the moon was ruining any shot with a clear star field in it, so we packed up and kept driving around.
One nice thing about being a couple of Christian guys is that we can be out after midnight and our wives don’t have to worry about whether we’re out drinking, cheatin’ on them, or other nonsense. That’s if a Christian guy is actually walking the walk. In our case, we are. So it was just two dudes in a truck with a camera and some good conversation.