
I had originally considered writing something more along the lines of prose, something like “Ode to My Shop Vac” after the battle against Tuesday’s surge of water. We escaped without any major damage (wet carpet remnants in the laundry room), but it was a hard fought battle. Combine that with gutters full of those stupid little elm seeds, and I’ve had a busy week fighting water. So tonight I thought I’d photograph it instead.

My wife was tired and went to bed when the boys did, and she instructed me to go ride motorcycle or go out with my camera or something. I did both. After a great photo jaunt west of Mandan, I came home and got the big Suzuki out for some carving. Most of the time I wear one of my full leather racing suits when I’m out, because I’ve lost enough skin since I started riding at age 5 or 6. Wow, it’s been a long time. Anyway, tonight was absolutely comfortable in leathers. I had a fantastic time. Now for some shut-eye before putting a wrap on the work week!

I got a lot of fantastic pics, but I’m only posting this one before bed. I was out in the middle of nowhere for much of my photo trip (and picked up my first wood tick too!) but caught this sight along Highway 25, north of Roby’s Supper Club. Home of the best Filet Mignon I’ve ever had, by the way. Mmmmmmm….steak. I know what I’m grillin’ for dinner Friday!

Thankfully the ring of storms threatening Bismarck tonight were miraculously whisked away, leaving instead an awesome night for a guy to take out his camera and motorcycle. I’m so glad I have a wife with such good ideas!

Update: got my first wood tick from this excursion too, and I”m not surprised. I spent a lot of time in the tall grass. Also, have you noticed that “respite” is one of Kevin Lawrence’s favorite words during the weather? You will now…

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