Tea Party on the Capitol Mall

I was able, like hundreds of others, to attend the TEA Party on the capitol mall last night. There were a lot of enthusiastic folks in attendance, probably the equivalent of fifty to a hundred NDPC rallies. While I’ll fill in the gaps with photos and words when I have more time, I wanted to share some of my favorite signs with you:

This was one of my top five signs.

Another one of my top five. Uffda!

Yet another one of my favorites.

The twelve trillion dollar question.

This is proving more and more accurate all the time!

Yet another fave! I wonder if the TOTUS likes this one.

Way to go, kids!

Almost as if on cue, the vultures started circling the capitol!

“Pie a Politician.” You could even put a bag over his head and write your favorite politician’s name on it!

Oddly, I don’t have a photo of the other sign that made my Top Five. It said succinctly: “Welcome to North Dakota, where you can get an abortion but you can’t buy bottle rockets.” That speaks volumes right there.

If I get a chance this weekend I’ll post a few more pics. Happy Independence Day! Enjoy it while it lasts!

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