July 4th 2009 in pictures

My little two year old is learning early on to love his country, honor the soldiers who fight for him, and respect the flag he was given to wave. He took to it like second nature.

These kids are future marketing majors…taking a crappy job (pun intended) and branding it “Free Fertilizer.” They just need to find a way to charge a nominal handling fee.

Old car body in the bushes? Usually I burn time and gas looking for this kind of thing, but today someone was nice enough to bring it to my camera on a trailer.

Two of the coolest seats in the house, today. Talk about a fun point of view! That haircut reminds me of my mohawk, only mine was nineteen inches long. Seriously. I have pictures.

He assures me he bagged all those deer himself. This was by far one of the most creative displays this year, so I salute his effort.

Later it was time to attend the Bis-Man Symphony playing at the capitol. A friend’s daughter plays in the Symphony, so I got some pictures for them…then it was time for the fireworks. A friend and I arrived early to play some intense frisbee on the lower part of the capitol mall, then hoofed it up to the top with our cooler full of Dew.

I tried a different approach this time around for capturing the fireworks, and for many of the shots it worked perfectly. For others it didn’t turn out so well, with the intensity of the fireworks overpowering the camera sensor. I still prefer the look to that of past attempts.

The night that the “4th” was put in the windows, I actually go to spend some time with the man who walks around and pulls the window shades to make it happen. He also turns on the correct office lights to make sure that the “4th” shows up properly. He has a map of the front face of the capitol with the windows he needs highlighted. It’s really cool! When he does the Christmas windows, I may ask to tag along and write a short feature about him.

Happy Independence Day! I was able to capture what I wanted with the camera but otherwise left it behind. I got family time in, motorcycle riding, frisbee, the Symphony, fireworks, tacos, and much more crammed into this single day. Friday our office grilled at noon and then shut down for the day, so I was able to attend Art in the Park as well with my family. I then took one of the little boys to the capitol to look out the windows up top, then to the glass elevator in the Logan Building, and some other local attractions. We got a LOT out of this weekend…I hope you did, too.

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