Wednesday night sunset, after a brief encounter with a dust devil

This was the view that greeted me after I came home from a long day trip to Pierre, South Dakota for a video project. I love our HD gear, and I probably should; I selected which gear to purchase when our company decided to go HD! We did mostly driving today, however, with a very little bit of shooting in between. I did stop to take one still picture though:

There were a few of these “dust devils” visible in a field along Highway 1804. They hung in the air long enough for me to go through the internal “do I, don’t I?” before finally pulling the Suburban over to the side of the road to get the shot. Our project manager thought it was cool and our client didn’t mind, so I grabbed my trusty camera and snapped a few shots before moving along.

Several hours of driving, a little bit of shooting, and a pair of pretty decent photos. Yep…good day.

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