And now for my next trick…

I had the great opportunity to poke around up at the Minot Air Force Base this weekend, as part of their Northern Neighbors Day. It was amazing. I had an incredible time and took over 1,500 photos. Obviously it’s hard to go through them all in a timely fashion and post them here, but I’m almost ready.

In the mean time, I noticed that I took my 44,000th photo over the weekend, the one above. Time flies (pun intended) when you’re having fun! Of course, the photos come more slowly in the winter time. I need to maximize my opportunities during the summer, balanced with family time of course, and so far this year has been pretty good for that.

Check back soon for some amazing aircraft photos! I’ve got so many “keepers” that I’ll have to make a special gallery; a blog post containing them all would take forever to load.

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