Friends & Neighbors Day at the NGPRL

I took my family to the Friends and Neighbors Day at the NGPRL again this year, and we had a blast! We barely had time to take in a fraction of everything going on out at “the Lab” because of all the scheduled events. We did so much and had such a good time that my little boys (ages 1 and 2) went straight to snoozeville after their baths tonight. And there was plenty going on when we left after a couple of hours’ worth of adventure!

There were fun activities and toys for the kids. Coloring, face painting, free flying discs and other attractions. Plus there were my boys’ favorite…snacks!

The boys got their first school bus ride today, until we figured out that the bus tour was going to take two hours. We hopped off at the first stop and got a ride back to rejoin the rest of the festivities. Next time I’ll ask first…thankfully we didn’t inconvenience anybody. Oops!

This exhibit teaches kids what they might find if they burrowed under ground; roots, bugs, critters…and even a hole to poke one’s head out and see what’s going on above the surface!

While the big kids perused the presentations highlighting the work being performed at the facility, little kids like my PJ started honing their disc-throwing skills. Even at only two years old, I think he’s starting to show signs that he’s inherited Daddy’s “mad skillz” with a frisbee!

Of course, the highlight of any little boy’s day, other than the free swag, is going to be the big machinery available for climbing. When my boys are a little bit older, I’m going to take them for some tractor rides and Bobcat training. I have friends who have volunteered to let me use their machines, so the boys are already looking forward to it.

He looks right at home in a skidsteer, doesn’t he? It’s a good thing they take the keys out of these machines, because the kids thought they were better than a playground. My two boys were NOT the ones who couldn’t take their hands off the horn buttons.

My one year old was pretty sure that the hubs needed servicing on this tractor!

Thanks again to the folks out at the NGPRL for putting on an incredible event. I didn’t even get to talk about the free Cloverdale hot dogs and pop, or the evening BBQ with Chuck Suchy performing! Nor did I get a chance to talk about the various seminars about trees, gardens, lawn care, Garden JEOPARDY, or that kind of thing. There were horse-drawn wagon rides, exhibits, and dozens of friendly faces. I can’t do it all justice, other than to say that the folks at “the Lab” have continued a tradition of fun, hospitality, and education at this year’s event. Next year, when you see those signs around town, make sure you save the date and attend the next Friends and Neighbors Day!

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