You can never get it back…you can only let it go

I titled this post after the most profound Grasshopper Takeover lyrics I’ve ever heard. And with a name like Grasshopper Takeover, you know they’ve got to have something interesting to say.

My wife and I took our boys walking downtown today. They’re so precious, and we live in a city where we can take them walking in any area we want and not have to worry about crime or most other dangers. We’re truly blessed to be raising our little family in the Bismarck-Mandan area.

We’re also blessed to have each other and the two most handsome little tow-headed boys ever. Walking along on a perfect July night with my 1 yr old Sparky holding my finger, life couldn’t get any better than this. Well, except if we’d set the camera on my wife’s new phone to something other than “grainy postage stamp” resolution first.

As for me, I’ll never have to get it back. I’m never gonna let it go.

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