An illustration of how we’re moving too fast, regardless of the direction

I made a little graphic to illustrate something I heard earlier today: President Obama spent six months picking out a dog for his kids, but wants to force us into socialized medicine by the end of this upcoming week. Hope™! Change™!

Rather than act like so-called “professional” journalists, I’ll document this a little bit:

Link: President Obama was looking for a dog in November.

Link: Bo the Dog shows up at the White House in April, six months later.

Bonus: Another broken promise, since Barack Obama promised to adopt a shelter dog.

Dog fans: Bo has his own WIkipedia page.

I’ve made it clear I’m against government-run health care. What they’re trying to do now isn’t even about health, care, it’s about control. But regardless of whether you agree or not, don’t you think we could take more time to overhaul one sixth of the US economy than it takes to select your kids’ pet?

If you agree, please download this full size graphic I made and pass it along (without modifying it, please). Let’s put the pressure on before we find ourselves stuck in a system that was forced upon us in haste and which none of us will want!

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