Foggy Bottoms Boy

I was afforded the opportunity to take my camera and hop in the truck for an outskirts adventure. I’m still leary about doing too much hiking with my camera due to deer season and recent mountain lion encounters in North Dakota, so I kept things on the road and next to the truck.

The river had a “tube” of fog hovering above it as I neared the river bottoms. While I found a lot of other fun roadside stuff to occupy my viewfinder, I did want to get a good view of this phenomenon from above. Sadly, access to all the high ground on the Bismarck side is hard to come by. I did find one “trail” that could be loosely construed as a section line road, from which I was able to nab a few shots. By that time much of the fog had receded or dissipated, as the sun was quickly burning it off. No matter…I still filled at least one camera card with fun stuff this morning, and put a pretty good dent in another one.

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