Condolences, Dr. King. American liberals have prevented your dream

Sorry, Martin Luther King Jr.: you failed. It is with great regret that I note, on the day marking the remembrance of your life and accomplishments, that we’re the antithesis of that famous speech back in August of 1963:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Where are we now, almost fifty years later? Prominent black Americans such as Justice Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice are treated as outcasts by “compassionate liberals” simply because they realized the American dream, and they did it without a nanny state providing it to them. It was even deemed perfectly fine by liberals to draw racial, hateful, despicable cartoons about Ms. Rice simply because she worked for the Bush administration…yet one more liberal double standard.

Colin Powell got the same treatment until he decided it was more fruitful for his personal gain to vilify Republicans and conservatives as well, and it worked to ingratiate himself with those same “compassionate liberals.”

Had Barack Obama been judged by his character and not hyped by the historic nature of his half-blackness, he wouldn’t have made it out of Chicago. Well, the cult of personality, propped up by the house organ media, actually got this fella elected. Now we’re all dealing with the Hopey-Changey result. This isn’t sour grapes, folks: the President’s policies, and the agendas of the people who have surrounded him his entire life, spell the end of the United States of America if allowed to come to fruition.

When Justice Sonia Sotomayor was going through the confirmation process, it highlighted another way in which the American left has let down Dr. King and minorities everywhere. In the Ricci v. Stefano case, firefighters were given or denied promotions based on their race and not the proficiency scores of those taking a qualification test. Liberals DO, after all, want to judge people solely on the color of their skin. Justice Sotomayor was overturned by the US Supreme Court in this matter. Sadly, this racist was later confirmed to the SCOTUS.

The “compassionate left” uses race as a way to divide people, foment anger, and then rally them toward an agenda that means none of them well. When someone like Bill Cosby comes along and appeals for the importance of character among people of color (or whatever the “politically correct” term is), they throw him under the bus and try to discredit him. How is that serving the minority community?

Rather, race has been turned into an industry, a rather lucrative one for the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and their ilk. These charlatans are two of the last people who would ever want racial tension to subside, since it’s racial tension that writes their rather sizeable paychecks. It’s people like them that have hijacked and usurped Martin Luther King Junior’s movement and have turned it into a perversion and a racket. I say again, the last thing people like this want is for true racial harmony, regardless of anything they may say otherwise.

Martin Luther King, Junior had a remarkable dream. I think it would be a reality for most Americans if it wasn’t for leftist opportunists trying to attach minority labels to people of various races for the sole purpose of polarization and victimization. Look at their ideals, their policies, and their end results. As long as the “compassionate left” drives the debate about where we stand on racial issues in this country, Dr. King’s dream is not even a distant reality.

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