Valentine’s Day Special: My “Romance Survival Kit”

Any girl will tell you, it’s all about the little things. This is my contribution, a bit of friendly advice for all the fellas out there. One way I try to make my wife’s day a little brighter is with little surprises. Above is the “survival kit” I’ve assembled. Note the heart-shaped Post-It notes, guys. Those are usually found in stores right about now, in time for Valentine’s Day. Go get some!

I like to hide little heart-shaped “I Love You” notes all over the place: inside DVD cases, behind the visor in her truck, things like that. I put a date on each one because sometimes they go undiscovered for long periods of time. That makes the surprise even better!

Phase two was the purchase of little note cards with envelopes and colored stationery, complete with wedding ring postage stamps. From time to time I will write my wife a nice little love-note and mail it to our house. Then, when she gets the mail, she receives a special delivery! A little goes a long way toward making a girl feel special.

We don’t have big plans for Valentine’s Day, although we do have a date night scheduled later this week. My goal is to scatter little miniature Valentine’s days all throughout the year! Give it a try.

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