It’s no secret that I’m a recliner pilot, recovering right now from a “robot attack” – surgery via daVinci robot – and as such I’m gone a little stir crazy. It didn’t take long; I was pretty close already. As Waylon used to sing, “I’ve always been crazy, but it’s kept me from going insane.” Tonight I chased a little piece of sanity as I captured a tiny portion of an elusive sunset.
I used to do “Thursday Night Sunset” posts all the time on this blog. Then real life took over and those posts began appearing more sparingly. Well, here’s a Thursday Night Sunset – taken from my porch as one of the few unobstructed slices of the sky from my point of view. I ventured out briefly in my post-surgery garb, pulled in some fresh air, and snapped a few quick cloud shots.
When I first had this surgery on December 31st, it wasn’t a problem to stay indoors and pilot the recliner; it was twenty degrees below zero. Now, however, it’s torture. I knew this would be difficult when I scheduled the “do-over” of my December surgery, but some things just have to be done. Now, I have a lifting limitation of less than half the weight of my monster camera bag, and get exhausted if I’m out of the recliner for even a short time. At least it’s made for a more active Twitter feed.
Here’s to a quick recovery and some bona fide sunset shots in the near future! I know the term “near future” is going to have to be relative, but I’m committed to taking it easy for once and making a proper recovery.