I’m a fundamentalist Christian. I read my Bible every day, work to memorize key verses, believe it’s the inspired word of God, and I do my best to live my life accordingly. I’m not a “radical” Christian, although in these days of prosperity preaching and the church growth movement, Christians who actually read their Bible do tend to stand out. But I’m taking my faith at its fundamentals by reading the “instruction manual” that God provided, putting my faith and trust in it, and doing my best to conform my life to God’s teachings in it.
These terrorists are fundamentalist Muslims. They read and memorize the Koran. They believe it’s the inspired words of their god allah and his prophet. They do their best to follow the teachings in it. They are not radical Muslims, they’re just reading the instruction manual that mohammed gave them, and trying to follow it.
How many Christians do you know that are sold out for their faith… witnessing to people, eagerly giving their testimony, and trying to tell others of their need for Jesus Christ as their savior? Certainly not the majority of them. But that’s what God wants us to do: the great commission, as it’s called, is to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” While any Christians who do that may stand out in this day and age, they’re the only ones doing what God told them to do.
The same thing pertains to the terrorists. They think a god told them to convert people to their twisted religion, by the sword if necessary. And, while they’re mistaken, they’re doing just what the book they read tells them to do. They might stand out from the millions of peaceful Muslims out there…but if one uses the Koran to judge them, they’re the ones who are really practicing it.
Political correctness will be our undoing. When grandmas are pulled aside and searched while middle Eastern men are given a pass so as not to offend them, then we’re sunk. If we can’t refer to our enemy as what he truly is, then we’ll never defeat him.
Oh, and one more aside; if we figure that these terrorists are just a minority among the nations of Islam, we’re fooling ourselves. Look at all the hate that’s being taught in mosques all around the world, including in our own country. And we’d be naive to think that the peaceful Muslims will make a difference; have you EVER heard a representative of Islam condemn a terrorist act against the West? Never. CAIR is proof that they realize how to beat us over the head with our own politically correct sensitivities. Well, if the “moderate Muslims” here and abroad won’t even speak out against terrorism now, what makes anyone think they’ll make a difference when things get worse?
President Bush: If you really think that it’s a perverted version of Islam that we’re fighting, get better advisors. If you know the truth, please say it. America’s ready to hear it. Take a stand and call on CAIR and other such groups to denounce terrorism… we all know they won’t. Let’s make them show their true colors instead of being afraid to point them out.