I did find out that Chipper, the energetic little lovebird that greets visitors from atop his cage / amusement park, is a little off these days. Apparently he’s had a stroke or something, causing him to have a poor equilibrium and be a little less comfortable with folks he doesn’t know. I was really sad to hear this because I believe he’s related to Scooter, my little lovebird. They’re the same age, anyway.
I recommend The Birdhouse as a wonderful place if you’re looking for a pet bird; however, I’m going to be very adamant about one thing: birds are not your average pet and have lots of special needs! They require lots of attention and interaction as well as regular care such as having their wings clipped. They are also susceptible to a myriad of household dangers, including toxins present in air fresheners and scented candles. While it’s common knowledge that Scooter is allowed to fly in our house, it’s only through years of diligent care and constantly working with him. We’re definitely a rare case. If you plan on being a bird owner, you have to accept some lifestyle changes in order to accomodate your new friend.
Even if you just want to say “hello” I recommend a trip to The Birdhouse. But please don’t decide to take a birdy home as a pet until you’ve thought it through and decided to accept the commitment. I spent two weeks thinking it over before I got my bird. It was worth it, but every bit as big a responibility as I’d imagined. I had a little bit of foreknowledge, as my parents had a parrot over at their house, and I got to hear all of their bird stories…good and bad.