Nice night for a ride (with a playlist)

I had the opportunity to go for a little cruise on my motorcycle. I can use the phrase “my motorcycle” instead of “one of my motorcycles” because, for the first time since 1996, I only have one. Well, I put it to good use tonight.

One of the first things I did after cruising through the capitol grounds was to head up to Chief Looking’s Village. It was a great time to look out over the river.

What a beautiful sky! And everything’s green, since we have been getting rain all year instead of having nice drone and mountain bike weather…oops, was that out loud?

Ya won’t be able to see this for much longer! A couple years and it’ll be all modernized and the “FLECKY ’93” will have to be painted on the new one.

I watched the riverboat go by and pull a wild, drifting u-turn on the river. It was a spectacular maneuver, pretty aggro if I may say so. Then they headed back up the river to port.

I spotted this beauty: a Delorean! It even has the correct license plate: OUTATIM. Meaning they have no more Tim. No, wait – TIME! It got me in the mood for Back to the Future, and I have that movie playing on my server now as I type this.

This year reminds me of 1993: rainy and dreary until mid-June or so, then a spectacular summer after that. Hopefully this becomes a fantastic summer as well! I bought a new drone and a new mountain bike, and haven’t had many opportunities to use either. Here’s to a fantastic summer – after the past few, we’ve earned it!

By the way, I have a playlist for occasions like this. Here’s a link to a Spotify version. It’s missing some songs by local talent such as Luke Graner and Hectic Redd, and one jam by Royal Crescent Mob, but it does have a couple of Joel Porter songs, so we’re represented. Check it out on a sunny afternoon! I hope you like it. And I hope we all have some great sunny afternoons and evenings this summer.

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