Old MHS Open House, Part Three of Many

When I decided to take my camera with for this open house event, I determined I was not going to try to do a tour. First, it would be too much work. Second, I just don’t think it would be interesting – for me or anyone else.

This time around I figure I’d share some photos of hallways…

…and some staircases, I suppose. Reliable sources tell me that these suckers were one-way streets from day to day in good ol’ Mandan High. Weird.

Speaking of stairs, I thought these stairs and exit doors were the end of the world back when I haunted these halls. I wasn’t alone; I saw plenty of others amble past the exit and down that additional stretch, look around in confusion, and wonder if that extra bit of hallway and classrooms existed when they were there. Later, after a bit of questioning our own sanity, we verified that this was added at some point. We all thought we were losing it. Well, we might still be…but not on this.

See? This is upstairs from there. The wall ends right where we remember it. More proof that we aren’t going senile. At least about this…

I believe there were bigger windows facing this staircase in my day. It was a shame when they got rid of all those east-facing windows on the front of the school. I know they did it for energy efficiency, but people do a lot of lamentable things for that reason.

This ramp goes down to the vo-tech wing. I don’t remember if this was here in my day, but I’m glad it’s been there recently. I’m an advocate of accessibility for all. Besides, accommodations for people with disabilities often benefit everybody.

Admit it: you stood on these once or twice in your day. These have probably been bent since the Reagan administration, if not earlier.

An elevator? According to the sheets they were distributing, this was added in 1987. I don’t remember it. But then, there are a lot of things I don’t remember about 1987, even though I don’t have partying to blame for it.

They just don’t tile ’em like this any more, do they? With the stripes, I mean, not the asbestos.

It’s ridiculous how many more photos I have of Mandan High. Stay tuned for Part Four…

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