Old MHS Open House, Part Five of Many

The old Mandan High School building will be going away. At least, that’s the plan…although, as a Bismarck resident, I have yet to see a school building actually torn down once we’re told that it can no longer house students. They always find a way to reuse it and draw tax money. But enough of that. I figured that if I ever wanted to check out some parts of the school I always wondered about but had no access to, this was my opportunity.

First of all, let’s get something straight: this is my first time in the principal’s office in Mandan. Seriously.

Apparently there was a whole science office. Cool. I’m a big fan of science teachers, so it’s cool that they’d have a space of their own.

Next, of course, would be the teachers’ lounge. The logical choice. I bet in the distant past, this was a smoking-allowed zone. But there was something else I never suspected, being a naive kid when I was here last…

That first photo at the top of this post? Behind that door I discovered that teachers have lockers, too! I guess I’m still a naive kid at heart, but this blew my mind. Yes, there was a corresponding locker room for female teachers, but I wasn’t about to open that door. I have a firm sense of propriety.

Well, there ya go. My curiosity has been satisfied. I did find something else pretty interesting, though, in another area of the school…but that’ll have to wait for another post. Don’t touch that dial…

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