Old Yeller

While checking out an old prairie church I noticed this truck off to the side of the road and paid it a brief visit.

I have two reasons for titling this post Old Yeller: first, we have this yellow trim piece, which stood out against the patina of the rest of the truck. Second, it’s put to pasture out under a tree. I doubt it’s a sweetgum tree, but I hope the tenuous literary reference still holds.

It really is a fine specimen, too…even if it is a Ford. Just kidding, I’m not that biased against Fords.

I’ll admit that I didn’t know this was a Ford until I put my skills of astute deductive reasoning to work, reading the logo on the hood trim piece. Sherlock Holmes, I ain’t.

I didn’t spend too much time poking around this truck, because I was on a mission. It was a mission which involved shooting a bunch of video in addition to photos, and I was on a timetable – and wanted to catch the sun in exactly the right spot. But I may come by here again, in which case I can explore this ol’ Ford in greater detail.

Now, if I could just find the time to get to the photos and video from my next destination…

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